Jemimah Imbiber

The rubbish of my life
Litters my head my desk
My room a tide of floating
Scum in the morning.
O that I might die a noble 
Death like a hero -
Render all this grime
Worthwhile.  I am
Pledged to drink-in this
Gifted transaction
Of love and letting go;
Of pain;
Do the right thing
On behalf of a suffering
Humanity.  Point the way
With my prophetic finger
My gifted hand.  I cannot
Smile the way others can.
I would need to 
Learn how to be
A blithe spirit and free:
All ease and easy waving
A light handkerchief
And sobbing casually
As my ships leave
Too much care
Makes me tedious and my
Task endless.  All I
Know is progress and
The next current that carries me.
What comes back is a
Silent wave and deadly, is
No contact.  My mother's
Love - the unconditional
Flow that fed, faltered, my
Only artery you
Severed.  My blood
Broods, is slow, its course
Silted and narrow.  By it
I must drink
And live.  I
Came here laden with
Your book -  I am
A message in a bottle
A coded instruction 
And vow -
I will go scum-free.
Ask me.  My words will be
Poured and thrown - your book
Unwritten as decreed - sent out
To fend for itself
In its own rough seas -
No more water for me
To swim in
And choke on
In the morning.
I will be blithe and breathing.
Wait and see.
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