Can't Tell Anymore II

So, so, is he gone?  Did he go?  Do you know?
Answer me.  Is your mind there, extant, or is it
Full of spare parts all jostling for space?  Does it still 
Care at all, can it, is it aware?  Is it sound?  Answer me.
Should you seek help to forget those pieces plucked free
Of debris?  Did you duck all those bullets striking the wall?
Do you control all that flying glass from your past?  Are you
Too possessed for one sane lifetime? Obsessed with trying?  
Will they dispossess you once they know the truth?  
All that rubbish, it's stockpiling is unhealthy, your bilges are full, 
Can't you empty your will of such sump?  Answer me goddamit.  
Why won't you?  So, so, do you really grieve for such a
Consummate disappearing act?  Can you tell what's right 
From what's wrong or do you still have that missing limb?  
Do you think you will, or you can, or you do it because you must?  
Where and when, exactly, did you lose your trust?  Won't you please
Answer?  Can't you tell anyone anything anymore?  Well that's such
A shame.  I have to go now I'm wasting my time.  If you can't
Speak to me I suggest you consult a psychiatrist who'll
Write everything down and answer these questions for you.
Honestly I can't tell you what your problem is at all.
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