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:•••-,   •    : -•• - 1 feel the cool air
                       current on my  cheek
                       at my right hand
                       the fire, vermilion heat

                       my  thought in tangent
... -  . ..... - •  .  hangs somewhere  in the   .
                       centre of the room
     '•       '        expiring in this
 . •   -: •    - . ,   freeness of somnolence, this
                       gloaming of non-movement

                       hooked  and
                       glittering as a fish it slides
                       away, circles
            . . -.. .  uneasily, leaves me
                       glassily unwound

 ...•'•       .-:.-.   here in this
                       single week of the year
              ' "      calmness and quietude
     • . •    - . :    light as vapour
                       descend  like a cloud

       -.•-,'          until I float serene
   -  .....            on  hazy dreams
:      ' " "           relax in light reflections
   ..- ;   -.       .  let them powder  my eyes

     '    -   - = •    a kiue iazuii hih ancj
                       wide as a ringing dagger drawn
                       while at the heart
                       in the background
                       peace pulses and

                       like a heart
                       like a dream
                       prepares for the testiness
                       the bright singing
                       the light and sting of arrows
                       in a steel-grey dawn
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